Features and basic use
• Apart from the administrators of your organization, nobody sees the form until you publish it.
• You don’t need to save things individually, all changes you make are saved automatically.
• There are some restrictions regarding editing published files to ensure the unity of data entries.
• Give your form a descriptive name so you can find it easier.
• Use field groups to divide the form into logical parts (for example: contact information).
• The order in which you create the fields doesn’t matter – you can easily drag the fields and field groups to reorganize them.
• Finally: remember to publish the form!
Interface tabs
When you log into E-lomake, your homepage opens up. The link (house icon) is the leftmost tab on the top of the page. The most important functions of the home page:
1. Manage tasks waiting to be handled
2. Installation-specific special functions (RSS feed or e.g. contact information)
All your forms and forms which you can edit or save:
• Status - change: Publishing forms and removing them from publicity
• Edit: editing the form
• Copy: Create a copy of the form. Note! All features are not copied (incl. processing phases)
• Submissions: Displayed when there are submissions on the form. Click the number of submissions to enter the report view.
• Editing your own information (restricted, if centralized user management is in use)
• Changing the password
• Customizing the interface
See: Managing and inviting respondent groups
Only administrators, see: Managing users
• User help contact information
• Instructions
Logout / intra
Remember to log out of E-lomake, especially if you use a public computer other users can also access.
Edit the header, field or field group
Remove a field, field group, submission etc.
Copy a field, field group or form
Move the field or field group by dragging with the mouse (press the left mouse button on the icon, drag to the right position and release the left button)
Hide a field group
Edit only one field group (not selected/selected). Leave editing the field group by clicking on the pressed button.
Look at the processing history of the submission. Visible only for forms using processing. See instructions: Processing phases