Parallel forms

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Parallel forms can be used to display the same form in different languages or for different interest groups. The submissions from the parallel form are saved in the same report as the submissions from the main form. The parallel form submissions can also be browsed through separately.

Creating a parallel form

A parallel form is always created from a previously created form. See instructions: Creating and editing a form.

After you have created a form, you can create parallel forms. Add parallel forms by selecting Parallel forms from the Form tab.

Example 1

You wish to create a form which can be filled in English or Finnish.

  1. Create the English form as normal.
  2. Select Parallel forms from the Forms tab of the English form.
  3. Give the parallel form a name, e.g. Finnish.
  4. Replace the texts in the original form by writing the Finnish texts into the text fields next to the English text.
  5. Give the English recipients the web-address of the main form and the Finnish recipients the address of the Finnish parallel form.

Example 2

As the reports can also be viewed separately, you can give some users access only to the report of a parallel form. This enables you to implement, for example, the handling of vacation applications at your organization.

  1. Nobody fills in the main form directly.
  2. The sales department has their own parallel form and the production department has theirs
  3. The Executive’s secretary has access to the main form report and sees all submissions
  4. The secretaries on sales and production departments see the reports from their departments (parallel forms)

Parallel forms in the forms listing on the Forms tab


You can see the www-address and the number of submissions of the parallel form by clicking the listing open -symbol  piilota1

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