Term |
Explanation |
Field |
The fields of the form are e.g. text field, drop down menu etc. |
Dependencies |
Dependencies allow you to create a form which changes depending on the recipients’ answers. For example, if the recipient enters that he/she is over 15 years old, additional choices may be presented. |
Field group |
The fields of the form have been divided into field groups (e.g. contact information) which can be used for:
Each field belongs to a field group. Usually it is a good idea to design a form where the fields have been divided into logical groups. This makes further processing of the form easier. |
Processing phases |
By using processing phases, you can create workflows and circulate the form from one handler to another. The submissions arrive to a designated user (or users) and after handling they move onto another handler. The handler may e.g. return the submission to the previous handler, lock the submission to be handled, discontinue handling or accept their own phase, when the form circulates to the next person. See instructions: Processing phases |
User |
A registered user, who has a personal username and access to E-lomake desktop. |
View |
Database views allows for external applications access to the E-lomake storage database (ODBC/JDBC). The views allow you to use E-lomake submissions as data in e.g. statistics and reporting applications and/or transfer data collected with the E-lomake to be further processed in other systems. The views are also used within E-lomake in e.g. storing and sharing enrolment choices with other forms. |
Report |
All submissions are found in the report. Within the report, you can do searches for the submissions, carry out simple calculations, further define search results and to create graphs. You can get all submissions into your computer in Excel, csv, SPSS and XML formats. See instructions: Reporting and exporting data |
Submission |
When a filled form is sent, a submission is created on the E-lomake. You can view the submissions on the forms tab by clicking the number of submissions.
Recipient |
Fills in the form on-line. The recipient does not have to be an E-lomake registered user, instead public forms can be filled out by anybody. You can, if so desired, make being a registered user a requirement for filling in a form. |